Indeed, the game has been recognized for having a sense of humor about its identity and origins. In an interview with PC Gamer magazine in 2009, Jacobi stated that the biggest reason for the lasting success of Chex Quest has been that it is still essentially a disguised version of Doom with basically unaltered game dynamics. Chex Quest was the first foray into professional game development for lead artist Charles Jacobi and programmer Scott Holman, though both had previously modded Doom levels in the past. For budgetary reasons, Id Software was contacted and an inexpensive license was obtained for the Doom engine which was considered obsolete in light of Id's recently released Quake. The development of Chex Quest differed from traditional video game development in that the basic game engine had already been created and the bulk of the creation process consisted of aesthetic changes made to the music and artwork from The Ultimate Doom. However, it would be offered to consumers for free with no increase to the cost of the cereal box.

The game would be a high-quality program whose normal retail value would be between $30 and $35. The original game concept was created by Dean Hyers and Mike Koenigs as a non-violent CD-ROM computer game to be released with 5.7 million boxes of Rice Chex, Wheat Chex, and Corn Chex cereals in order to cast Chex as a cereal that was exciting and fun for children while appealing to modern sensibilities by targeting home PC owners. Produced with a small team of developers on a budget of around $500,000, Chex Quest began life as the brainchild of the WatersMolitor promotion agency – an award-winning group that had been hired by Ralston Foods to reinvigorate the Chex cereal brand. Their principal weapon is the use of mucus as a projectile. The game starts at the landing pad of the research center on Bazoik other levels include the laboratory, the arboretum, and finally, the caverns of Bazoik, where the Flemoids have established their colony. His main weapons are devices called "zorchers", which teleports his enemies to their home dimension.

Set on a distant planet named Bazoik, the game follows the Chex Warrior, a soldier clad in a Chex-shaped suit of armor, as he foils the invasion of the planet by the 'Flemoids': a species of slimy, green invertebrates, who have infested the planet and captured many helpless colonists, whom the Chex Warrior must save.